Shower & shave every morning before breakfast.
Always have and now I don't work full time I'm too old to change.
A lot of JW's I know only seem to shower & shave when they have a meeting or FS coming up.
the new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
Shower & shave every morning before breakfast.
Always have and now I don't work full time I'm too old to change.
A lot of JW's I know only seem to shower & shave when they have a meeting or FS coming up.
someone made reference in another post that the awake magazine had ceased publication.
maybe i missed it since i have not been on here as much in the last 6 months.
is this true?
The Awake for 2021 is not even available on line so they can't say the presses are busy on other publications.
Maybe they haven't had time for the in depth research needed to write the articles twaddle.
how many accounts of the bibles use of excesses can you recall ?
i will start off with a favourit of mine.. the inauguration of solomons temple and the sacrifices offered .2chron.7 :4-5 , 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep ?
How do you even slaughter that many animals after you have herded them to the required location? What do you do with all the blood and guts? It would be impossible to sacrifice 22,000 cattle on that altar during that celebration, maybe they just took a steak from each animal. And a lamb chop.
Yet more Bible twaddle.
so, in a couple weeks, the jws move on in their bible-reading slog to the book of deuteronomy.. take a gander at deuteronomy 23:12,13:.
a private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
Don't forget that in addition to the people there was all their animals. Yet again this week we are killing and burning sheep and bulls. I've never been to Chicago but suspect there are not a lot of sheep and bulls there. So, where did they keep these? In the camp? There must have been significant flocks and herds just to keep the sacrifices going. These animals would need food and water. Maybe the animals lived on manna!
To think I used to believe all this twaddle.
parte de la informacion de los anuncios y recordatorios por parte de la watchtower mes mayo 2021traduccion:"3. agradecimientos por donaciones: elogiamos los esfuerzos de los muchos publicadores que se han adaptado a utilizar métodos electrónicos de donación para apoyar los intereses del reino, como por ejemplo utilizando
se ha hecho un ajuste para unificar la forma en que se reconocen todas las donaciones recibidas en la sucursal.
una vez que se reciba su donación, se le enviará un recibo por correo electrónico para reconocer el importe de la donación.
Has Atlantis or anyone uploaded MAY announcements as yet? I haven't seen it.
remember when nixon resigned?
the big a was here some said.
remember 1986 and the "international year of peace and security?
I remember the Cuba Missile Crisis. This was the beginning of Armageddon, but it all blew over.
i'm so proud of my son.
he has persevered through 2 years of community college.
three of those semesters were at home because covid19 shut in person classes.
I went to University and was told I would never use what I learned because Armageddon would be here by then. Well, 1975 came and went as did 2000 and I'm still here. I never regret the sacrifices and hard graft, been retired over 20 years, we're not millionaires but get by very well without relying on benefits as so many in our congregation do.
Keep his nose to the wheel, education is the best investment ever.
i used to read this site everyday for years!
i am still learning to be ex ex jw.
did i miss any big news, etc?
In a nutshell you haven't missed anything that would change you from being an ex-JW into a JW.
good to see you again!
much discussion now about the fallout that is coming due to impacts of the pandemic combined with the long-term downward spiral of
i am active as a pimo and my wife is pimi....much of our personal conversation and conversation with others in jw land focuses on how things will play out for in the next 12-24 months.
Very interesting. However, I think they need to keep Assembly Halls at least. If the members never meet in person due to having no KH's then the youngsters will leave en masse.
Assemblies and/or conventions is the place to meet up with other young available and possibly future marriage mates.
the pandemic has made the situation worse for single young jw girls.. i'm hearing tons of sad stories of single jw girls who are going, or have gone into deep depression.
with many having thoughts of committing suicide and hoping for a better life in the new order.. the pandemic has made it almost impossible for young jw girls to find a suitable marriage mate.
especially since the single jw boys-men want young, gorgeous, thin, virgins, who look like models and summit to the headship arrangement.
Apparently there is a new article from the GB about the dangers of online/app dating.
This is in the July 2021 Study WT. You have to do your scouting on ZOOM and chat to potentials in the chat room afterwards. I suppose you could always have a word with the attendant to put you in the correct chat room...........